Saturday, July 11, 2009


Post at Chicago Media Chat at your own risk

Today, I was threatened with legal action from "President Pedro" after posting at that site.

So, if you like hanging out with people who like pretending they are dogs, frogs, and "hotties," as well as risking legal action against yourself, maybe the site is for you. Otherwise, consider yourself fairly warned.

I'd like to see what the f*ck the business plan is over at that site. As much of a dick as Larz is, at least he has some intelligence about him (all my prior kidding aside). President Pedro and company appear to be borderline retarded.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Pop quiz

Who do you think Larz will defend in the following situation?

1. A poster who happens to be a mailman who committed the crime of defending himself against a public attack directed at that poster on the airwaves?


2. A radio host, who despite having abysmally low ratings, is still on the radio and made the said attack?

If you guessed #1, you really haven't been paying attention. Either that or you are one of Larz's many sycophantish worshipers from his site. Poster #1 (Ed Mlakar) has absolutely nothing to offer Larz in terms of Larz's kissing up strategy. Therefore, Larz accuses Mlakar of "having an axe to grind" for having the gall to actually defend himself.

Larz's pathetic kiss-ass act will never end.

Monday, June 1, 2009

BREAKING: Another lie of Larz EXPOSED!!!!!!!!

"It's never been a competition or about competing against any other site."

Little test for all you Larzwatchers out there. Go to Larz's site. Go to View Page Source or View Page Info (using Firefox), and find the keywords for Larz's site. For those that are not technically inclined, here they are: radio, chicago, chicagoland, media, television, news, messageboard, message board, am, fm, crow on, radios, radio station, radio stations, newspapers, windy city, DJ.

Anyone of those jump out at you?

Well, the one that caught my eye was "Crow On." Yup. He is using ja-ja's site as a key word so that people who are searching for her site might find his site instead. Look at it yourself. I think that is pretty messed up for someone who claims that he never wanted to be in a competition with Crow On.

A hat tip for this goes to one of the commenters on this very blog. I would have never thought to look at this without you, the faithful reader.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Announcing the unretirement of Mappo

As many of you know already, I have decided to unretire Mappo. Predictably, Larz has grown more arrogant and condescending as time has gone on, and I think this site has a purpose again to set the record straight and inform the public of Larz's behavior.

I plan on updating this site only occasionally as time and Larz's misdeeds permit. In the meantime, I encourage you to go to Crow On ( for you Chicago radio and media information and to make it an active, fun site. Please don't bog that site down with Anti-Larz stuff. That is what this site will be for. If you have a tip for larzwatch, my new email is