Saturday, February 16, 2008

Announcing the retirement of Mappo

As some of you may have noticed, I have had much less time to pursue the exposure of Larz as the hypocrite and liar that he is as of late. In brief, I have accepted a promotion at my job, and I simply don't have the free time necessary to properly detail Larz' lies. I will not be posting on either Larz' site or the media update site in the future. If you see my name attached to a post at either site, be assured it is not me. I will leave this web site open and specifically the comment section to this post open so that those of you who wish to discuss Larz without the fear of censorship may continue to do so.

A few points before I go:

1. Larz recently made a post about the NIU shooting. I don't have his exact words, but amongst discussion of local news coverage of the event, he said something along the lines of "Only 3 or 4 people were injured so I don't really see why it should be that newsworthy or important." Of course, some might say he made that comment before all of the information was known (that ultimately seven people died, six of them murdered)....and this, ofcourse, is true. BUT THIS IS NOT AN EXCUSE!!!! If anything, one should have waited before making such a callous comment as anyone with a half a brain knows that information is often slow to trickle out in such situations, and basic human decency should have told you that you should wait before making such a comment in the midst of a potential tragedy.

Many on his board (rightfully) objected to the nature of Larz' post. So how do you think he handled it? Take a guess. Did he:

1. Admit that he had made a mistake and offer an apology.
2. Delete the whole thread (including the parts talking about local media coverage of the incident) and any other thread that attempted to bring up Larz' comment.

Obviously, the answer is number 2. Now, I don't expect Larz to be perfect. We ALL make mistakes, including myself. But what largely separates good people from bad people, IMO, is the ability to admit that you were wrong and apologize. Remember ja-ja? She once made a callous comment comparing someone who had started a new message board to a rapist. Bad stuff, right? But, she admitted she was wrong publicly and moved on....and that is commendable. I honestly believe Larz is incapable of such a feat. Does anyone ever honestly recall Larz admitting he was wrong about anything?

And remember...that thread had a lot of perfectly relevant discussion about Chicago media and its coverage of this tragedy. But because LARZ, and LARZ ALONE, made an idiotic and inappropriate comment, he decided to delete and trash the whole thing, with nary a word of explanation. And this from the guy who claims to only "rarely" delete comments. It's an absolute joke.

2. Larz recently emailed me privately and posted a somewhat similar message on the "media update" board. Although the tone of the letters were surprisingly cordial and respectful, I cannot say the same for the actual content. The timeline of his establishment of his site (and other statements) were filled with Larz' usual deceptions and half-truths. Those of us who have actually been following the situation for years, know what the truth is and know that Larz is being untruthful. Those that are Johnny-come-latelys (like Bloow Job), have no idea what to believe, so choose instead to believe the one that they have a man-crush on (namely, Larz). Which leads me to my next point.

...before that...I probably will be publishing Larz' email to me at some point in the future on this site...with a line-by-line dissection of what he is lying about. So my retirement will be a bit of a semi-retirement. Don't expect this any time soon, however.

3. I have come to the unfortunate conclusion that my continued presence on Larz' board has become a net detriment to my ultimate goal: having someone establish a successful alternative Chicago radio and media board. Despite Larz' clear deception in the establishment of his board, his classless continued trashing of Crow_on (only done after he stole many of that site's readership), and his shameful and hypocritical practices as a moderator at his own site, many have come to see me as the "bad guy." I think that this means that many people who might otherwise find Larz' behavior objectionable are pushed to defend him, despite some reservations they may have about some of the things he does.

So, this played a part in my decision to retire Mappo as well. Hopefully, either media update will pick up (sadly, I'm a bit skeptical) or someone else will start a new and successful board.

4. Finally, a note to Larz: Larz, you often complain about how Crow_On was such a negative place that that forced your hand to nobly start a new web site. I know and you know that this is a complete lie. But, for the sake of argument, let's just say that Crow_on was every bit as bad as you say it was, and that your web site, when it first started out, was just a place of joy and merriment.

Have you ever read the book Animal Farm? Probably not, seeing as how you are stupid. At the end of the book, many of the animals on the farm look in through a farmhouse window at their pig leaders and the humans, who used to rule over them. They realize that they can't tell any longer who are the pigs and who are the humans.

In a similar vein, you and your board is every bit as bad as the old Crow_On. You make insulting and inappropriate statements...and either refuse to back down or simply delete them as if they never existed without apology if enough people object. You have developed a system of cronyism where you refuse to criticize certain individuals or radio stations, and, in fact, criticize others who would dare to criticize those who you seek to protect. You hypocritically call for your board to be "more positive," but then engage in classless insults towards DJs who are being fired or are leaving town. When actual radio personalities post under their real names, they are subject to a barage of attacks and you tacitly approve of these attacks by admonishing the VICTIMS to "not try to get the last word" (so they're not supposed to defend themselves?) It goes on and on.

Larz, you and your site are every bit as bad as the things you have claimed and continue to claim about Crow_on and ja-ja.

Ta-ta, asshole.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your new position, Mappo. I hope you find happiness there.

The only comment I want to make is about the NIU shootings and the reason for the thread deletion. My comment about it that seemed to trouble you, had to do in response to a poster who jokingly called it a "massacre" when the reports at the time had said that only a few people had been shot and no deaths were reported. It was, at that time, a minor story and not worthy of joking about or comparing it to Al Capone's famous Valentines Day Massacre. When further details about this tragedy at my old college came out, it did end up seeming that it was indeed worse and more sad than Capone's crime. I said so twice. The reason the thread was eventually pulled completely was because it went out of control and idiots & trolls took over. There were posts giving links to suicidal people graphically blowing their heads off, links to sites that froze your computer, people laughing about this tragedy, someone saying I was the shooter, people using graphic language, and so on. None of which belongs on a board about Chicago media. I was forced to pull the entire thread, which unfortunately meant pulling some thoughtful posts by some good people, but it had to be done. I also shut the board down for the night and reopened it the following morning. My reasons for doing so were posted up during the shut-down that evening.

Some of the more disgusting posts were done by a person using the same IP address hiding program as you do. I don't know if you were involved or not, but I hope it was not you. Emotions were flying high that evening and it brought the worst out in some people, apparently. My hand was forced. There is a huge difference between censorship and allowing people to be vile & disgusting on my website. If this upset you in some way, because maybe a post of yours was removed, then I'm sorry for your disappointment. I'm sure you can understand if you look at the big picture, though.

Enjoy your retirement.

Mappo said...

1. I don't (and have never) used an IP address hiding "program." To get around your constant attempts to censor me, I have just typed in an available proxy server. It really isn't that complicated, and I'm sure it's what others who have two ounces of internet savvy do as well.

2. I had nothing to do with whatever happened in that thread, and, in point of fact, had no idea that others had made inappropriate posts in it. I also did not know you had shut your board down for the night.

3. Just because other people posted things later that were even more egregious than what you posted, doesn't change the fact that what you initially posted was inappropriate. Perhaps you did apologize at some point, although I would say it would have been better to leave up an apology in a locked single-thread post.

Anonymous said...

Mappo: "But what largely separates good people from bad people, IMO, is the ability to admit that you were wrong and apologize."

You are a bad person. You're arrogant. You're actions at times have been blatantly immature, that I sure as hell don't need Larz to tell me you are bad. It seems you are incapable of ever accepting any wrong-doing on your end, and that everyone else is always the bad guy. Both you and Larz could have done things differently. You're unwillingness to ever give anyone the benefit of the doubt or to ever say that you're wrong exposes your blatant immaturity. You don't care about any other posters. You're continued spamming of the boards through the year or years shows that.

I sure hope you have no kids or a wife. Heaven forbid one of them ever make a mistake and aren't so quick to say they're sorry. I'd hate to speculate what might happen. :-/

Anonymous said...

Mappo...I have more insight aside from this NIU thread blown away. I have noticed other posts have been blown out as well....all over the board. Posts that aren't of rule breaking nature. Just Larz picking and choosing what he wants on the board.

Reason for this: Now he is advertising. Wouldn't want to piss off Amazon..the same way XRT got pissed off and yanked their ad from the top of his main page. So he is going through and pulling anything that may be controversial, sarcastic, or anything that "just looks bad" in his opinion. I believe Larz is an ancestor of Hitler...has to be.

Crazz said...

Something tells me this retirement is about as authentic as any by the Rolling Stones!

Anonymous said...

Mappo....looks like you got your wish of someone opening a Chicago radio and media board.

Check out

I've read posts there from the owners or administrators and it sounds to me like that is going to be a promising open board....with NO participation from the moderators. Finally...if you want to talk about how bad Steve Dahl is, you can, without some moderator deleting it because "the thread will do nothing but cause problems" as Larz says. So it seems pretty promising there.

They also have other stuff there like radio memorabilia and old bumper stickers. You can get to those from the home page of

It looks pretty cool!

Anonymous said...

Does anyone still read this?

I have ALL the meaty info, WHO Larz (fake name of course) is. More info than most of you think is possible.

Yeah yeah, heard this before, but this is for real. Can't allow it all out at once because it will wreck all the fun.

Paybacks are fun, except for so called Larz. Opportunity to turn the tables around for people like Billy Hammond and the others which have been slandered, and let down by a biased self centered individual. Judged guilty and hung out to dry before their trials, being judged and convicted by Larz and his ego trip.

Anonymity like his playgrond is good, until the truth is exposed.

Judgement day IS here RICHARD.

Anonymous said...

I still read this blog every now and then, but if you know think you know who Larz is (many have tried, but none have succeeded), I would suggest you continue to post here or at because he'd just delete your post on his board.

I await your next post...

Anonymous said...

Funny you mention that chicagomediachat site. I contacted them seeking an alliance, it was made clear that Larz is a non issue and not competition to them, and he does not exist in their realm, as they worded it. LOL.

They have launched other sites/forums at and they said they are in process on advertising and promoting the sites. Makes sense they can care less what is going on at Larz Land. Seem to be a serious entity with nice sites not some opinionated person with control issues.

Curious what the person that wrote on July 2nd has to say. See if they return since there are people reading this and responding.

Anonymous said...

I'd prefer NOT to read any personal dish or mean stuff. I'm here mere minutes after a benign post was deleted at Larz' site, which TTYTT, doesn't exactly inspire me to keep clicking his sponsor links.

He can edit his site any way he likes, but his lengthy attack against a brain cancer situation is just intense... vitriolic... tasteless.

Larz you gotta quit telling readers to behave one way while you display opposite behavior. As I asked in my post: You okay or what's up??

- Mega Hurtz, cali_correspondent hotmail
(deleted post included below)

Anonymous said...

Okay, folks. Here's the non-Novak post that Larz deleted from his site. He's got something going on, it's not like him to behave like a full-tilt hypocrite.

In changing the subject, this post was titled Mount Rushmore. You may have seen it during the entire 3 minutes it was up:

c'mon, Larz. There's so much to do on the Internet. Wouldn't you rather spend your time starting that online petition to get Obama's face on Mount Rushmore? It's not too early or anything. Just sayin'.

* OK so I'm not Jerry's Kidders ...

just a gal with one computer and one printer ...

but, hey ...

it didn't cost nuthin' either !

plus, a cartoon of Mount Rushmore added at the end. (Controversial ??)

Anonymous said...

The short memory. Yeah, 2 or 3 people were reading and posting on an empty blog for many, many months.

Anonymous said...

Nice to see action here again. Mappo where are you?

Here is a control freak which says "no registration", but yet will censor at a whim because he is dominating you!

No registration, talk about anything, but if he does not like you, or your talk about anything post, ZAP!

Free speech but he will SHUT DOWN the board at night and selectively allow only the posts HE wants in the morning.

No brainer, he is in bed with Matt DuBiel and every other Next Media employee because they worked for Next Media together. When is the last time he slammed NM? Mr "I was never a DJ", is a blatant Walrus Ass liar. He was a lonely Next Media lackey on WXLC. He still is lonely and reaches a boner from his BoardHost vibrator. Instead of dominating people on that forum, he needs to keep his wife in check and he would not be in an "open" marriage.

Scumbag. You make fun of peoples misfortunes, now deal with your dirty laundry being dragged in public!

Small world Richard! Reap what you sow!

More to come!

Mappo said...

Wow, I haven't been back to this site for months, and I come back and see all this activity.

I go to Larz' site only very rarely nowadays. When I do go, I usually just skim Larz's posts to find where he has been behaving badly. I do find it sort of funny how if I had kept posting on this site, I would have had plenty of material from Larz.

Anyway, I think it best that I stay away from Larz' site. I really do believe that people are starting to come around and see Larz for who he really is. My presence would just distract from this process, IMO. Additionally, I think my absence has encouraged Larz to behave even worse than he used to, in that he doesn't need to put on the "nice guy" persona any more.

To Mega Hurtz: His treatment of you has been especially shocking. As someone else mentioned, it was you, ZooCow, Larz, (and me stirring up occasional trouble) for months and months and months on his board. That was IT. Literally, no one else came to his board. If it hadn't been for you, his site wouldn't have survived its infancy. How quickly he forgets.

Of course, he showed the same attitude against ja-ja. She gave birth to his site, he had promised to delete it when she came back, and then he turned his back on her and said some really nasty stuff against her once he realized he didn't need her anymore.

You see, now that his site is more popular, you really offer nothing of value to him, and he feels like he has the green light to treat you like dirt. He has shown the same pattern with various DJs. Those that are leaving town and have nothing to offer him...he kicks them when they are down. Those that he views as big/important/popular, he'll refuse to criticize no matter how bad or hacky they are (e.g. Eric Ferguson).

I do beg to differ that his recent noted hypocritical behavior is somehow new, however. It really has been longstanding.

By the way, have you ever thought of starting your own board? I think people respect you enough where they might follow you if you did. Something to consider.

To the person who is outing Larz: I am very much interested to see what Larz does for a living now, and who (if anyone) he counts as clients or has other business relationships with (current or former). I am curious as to whether that plays any bearings into who it is acceptable to criticize on his message board and who it is not. Keep up the good work.


Anonymous said...

Mappo, good to see you back. I might not agree with you 100% of the time but we are on the same side of the fence when it relates to this situation.

That person is out of control. Self centered to push his disease of control on those who approach his domain.


Take a close look, who gets ripped on there and those that never do because of the tight grip of deletion.

Anyone notice how fast this tool deletes, edits and responds to posts? He has a high speed connection hanging out of his ass to be online constantly?

All that site serves is his playground to touch himself and fulfill his shortcomings. (Many shortcomings, just ask his wife why she has to seek meat elsewhere, not from that bald headed Walrus Ass).

Anyways, the time has come. Forget the deleted posts, and the flagrant boner he has to stomp his feet like a small child when someone says something he does not like. The time has come, just like he has taken on the role of cop, judge and jury to smear the name of people which have not been convicted in a court of law, destroying their name and character. Who cares if they are inoocent or guilty? Just rip on them! ASSHOLE, you are 47 years old, soon to be 48 in November, if you are going to judge these people openly, then you should be proud to display your name openly RICHARD G BLOCK Ooops!

Yes, look at his name again above. djRickyB. Wow Ricky = Richard, B = Block. Ooops again!

I would love to shake the hand of the person which goes by DJRickyB over there. They should start listing their e-mail as for completeness. Obviously there is more than one person that knows his history and who he really is. Ironic, someone assuming HIS identity on his turf. Splendid.

Googling rickfmdj and bring up some interesting things, including a few phone numbers among other things.

Small world Richard! Reap what you sow!

Enough for now.

Anonymous said...

Sadly, a lot of the postings on this comment section seem accurate - at least those which describe how Larz has turned into quite the dictator. I was warned, but I did not listen.

Anonymous said...

If Larz is this "Richard Block," why not post this on media update or Larz's board?

Anonymous said...

No idea why that person that has the goods wont post elsewhere but are you fuckin stupid? It would get deleted on his own site. That seems to be the problem with everyone commenting here. Unless you are the mentioned?

Anonymous said...

Not stupid... but this person obviously hates Larz, and just once attempting to post Larz's identity on his own website would be enough to scare the hell out of him.

As a matter of fact, Larz probably already has read this because he was planning on "turning off" his board for a few hours today and yesterday, only because he wasn't going to be near the Internet for a while. Boo hoo.

Anonymous said...

I think whoever suggested that posting as “DJ Ricky B” is on to something. I did notice that when “DJ Ricky B” replied directly to Larz in the “Pirate Radio” thread, correcting him in a somewhat condescending tone, Larz didn’t reply with his usual reciprocal sarcastic tone when he is told he is wrong about something. (View the complete “Pirate Radio” thread here:

Anonymous said...

It seems the URL got cut off. To read the "Pirate Radio" thread go to:

Anonymous said...

See there was some action on the mentioned site. Someone hates Walrus Fetus as it seems. or maybe not?

Isn't it amazing that Anal Man allows the boards to be wide open like that when he is so tight assed all day and night about them? Anyone get the feeling that those little outbursts are planned purposely to cause drama, drill on Chris Kelly which anyone in the "know" KNOWS he does not like and is not on his circle jerk list and then and outburst of "you are god", "thank you for being here for us", "many thanks". How much cocksucking can you do for some asshole which has have no life except deleting and scolding visitors all day long? Any doubt that most of those praises are from the same multiple personality sicko which has the deletion ability trying to make themselves look like a savior?

To this ASSHOLE, (like I said if it is not self stroking posting by the multiple personality Walrus Fetus) that made the comments about not using real names and having jobs, kids, weird sexual fetishes and open marriages, this does not seem to be a problem on the real professional sites like radioinsight and radio-info. it is called registration and not getting involved in the mix. You use a non identifying e-mail address and you are anonymous. They are not running around handing out identities there. It is peons like this that will get dragged in court over boner decisions and running their fingers on the keyboard thinking they are important and can shit on those they do not like. The legal system will drain the pockets. Ask Marty Ziven about how he had to shut down Crow due to Stever, how he avoided litigation and is a no show on forums due to this, or he don't have to be if it is non-registration and non traceable.

Privacy when someone is ripping and slandering on a select few? There is no privacy for them. Ever notice when someone is leaving the market and he has no use for them, the carte blache status is revoked since he has no more use for them?

All of you can now sit there and wonder if that post is from a real person masquerading on the devils playground or it is Walrus Fetus itself replying and blowing smoke up his own ass post afer post.

Mappo, you still around?

Anonymous said...

I agree! Come on, who takes a late night stroll to the local Jewel at midnight? To top it off...knowing that one will be at "Jewel" at midnight...out of range from strict control of a board..KNOWING this is when trolls come to the board? Bullshit.

Analingus posted ALL those gay porn pics to create STIR, BUZZ, and DRAMA on the board. THEN he wipes them away "when he gets back from Jewel" and posts a pathetic little "I'm sorry, I was away at a swingers party and couldn't heavy hand the board". THEN in order to look like people respect him and the board, he again posts as numerous people with all the "good job" and "great job keeping up the board" and the one I really like "I'm live out of town and just had to say how much I appreciate how the board is kept up!" Right.

Get a clue people......anyone ever remember seeing any of these "thank you" posts from moderators/administrators on radio insight...or radio info or any other board after a troll had smeared on it? Nope, that's right. Why? Because nobody cares enough to take the time to post up crap like "thank you". Especially that dude or woman that "lives out of town". You think THEY give a shit about who runs an out of their town board...nevermind comment on the upkeep of it?? Fuck no! Those were all staged as well by Mr. Personality Disorder.

Anonymous said...

Anyone catch the idiot announcing "due to trolls, the board will be on "post autorization" mode.

Who the fuck does he think he is? More & More control issues showing off. Maybe he should spend more time watching his daughters instead of posting vids of them on YouTube and being a control freak on his sickness of his whore board. Dumb fuck. Is he that stupid? Maybe not, as all the dirt on here was pouring out, he all of sudden removed those vids. Hey stupid FUCK! There are archives all over the net.

As a reminder to the good people that want to discuss Chicago radio, there are other sites that welcome you without wanting to gag you like a little bitch he is, and allow you to express freely without exposing your identity.

Visiting these sites and not the Third Reich Site will ensure less traffic, less advertising money and IMPORTANTLY less attention to feed his deficiency and addiction.

Happy Labor day people of the free will and not into being dominanted by a bald prick.

Anonymous said...

The politics and drama are boring. It's a POWER THING. Don't need it, don't need the rudeness and attitude. There are other, better sites to talk radio.

Anonymous said...

Also, what is going on with Analingus's kids????

First we have this "newer" poster, going by the name of "SHARK"---okay, you are NOT the dude that used to work The Zone and stop masturbating to that. SHARK posts about poor dead Mr. Rogers and says "Without revealing my age, "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood" was part of my childhood growing up." OK...AGAIN he says "WITHOUT REVEALING MY AGE" Okay, SHARK? NOBODY there gives a flying, raw, bloody, stinky gay man's ASS how old you are or how old you were when you were jacking off to Mr. Rogers on PBS. So, no need to post useless dumbfuck things like Without revealing my age shit...nobody cares about your don't get all blush ass on us.

This is strange...this wording. You are either A)dave 73--because he says strange dumbfuck things like this that nobody cares about
OR B)you are GIVING it to dave 73 and spend WAYYYYYY too much time with him.

Then there is blowchunks. Pretends to be all preppy and smart with his pocket protector...yet it really shines through that this youngin' has as much brains as my dead cat. He also speaks about Mr. Rogers. Obviously you haven't spanked it at all today...or this week for that matter with your poor, poor attitude. So angry, wants everyone to let go of Mr. Rogers, then says "Put a PayPal link on there or something" WHAT?!!?? WHAT the fuck will a paypal link do to a show that hasn't taped in 7 fucking years???? NOTHING! Ya know what, I am going to set up a paypal link for you to donate to try and bring my dead cat back who has been dead for 7 years. I think it just may work to bring back my beloved pussy. You fucking idiot blowtorch.

You sir...or ma'am....are either A) Jeremy Andrews--you can't be because 103-5 is him. B)you are sticking it in Jeremy Andrews OR C)you are just one of his other brainless relatives.

These two individuals amaze me. But then again, they are analingus's love children. Where the fuck is fat, hairy Sal when you need him to set these 18 year olds...who think they are still 11...straight!!??

Anonymous said...

Looks like this place is coming back to life again.

Copy n paste to see some more proof.

Admits he has a 4 hour radio shift, and runs a Mobile DJ company with Kathy. Interesting phone number. mention "rhymes with crappo" to get a discount.

Ask him to meet you by Great America when you call to get a free ride, in his open swinger marriage.

Bald Prick

Anonymous said...

Lets look at some other Richard G Block findings.

That previous person is right. Doing a Google search for RICKFMDJ, some weeks back, you see this this ASSHOLES YouTube profile, which he had his kids online and for the world to see in a few clips. They have since been removed since his ass is being dragged all over this blog.

-Nice picture of the Bald Prick Walrus face. Nice WXLC backdrop. BIGtime Radio folks!

A search on MySpace for will result in a profile with the same pic as above. NOTICE: Knee jerk response will occur where it will be taken "Private" or photo removed! But the profile looks private, it really isn't. (moron) It is, until you sign in, and you can see it all. LOOK! His background is that EXACT familiar blue background used elsewhere on a certain message forum! I would go here quickly because he will correct this (knee jerk reaction of guilt) when him or one of his turds read this and tell him. FYI - 38???? Liar. Was born in Nov of 1961. If you look at the schools listed, would be too young to be graduating from those schools at that age. Copy/paste the following.

Someone make sure to send a Christmas Card.

GURNEE, IL 60031


(847) 256-4797

Anonymous said...

Unbelievable...Mappo, get your ass out of retirement!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today someone posts about Q101 and Larz jumps his menopause attitude. He said "If you really cared about Q101.1, you would listen to it and answer your own questions." Who the fuck are you?? How about then, EVERYONE answer their own questions, because of course you all must be GOD...and stop posting on the almighty's board? I don't post there and never will. YOU shouldn't post either. Maybe after abandonment, we can see CRM dissolve into ashes and blow away to hell, where it should have gone a long time ago.

Also, here:

Larz says "There have also been a LOT of false posts about Billy Hammond on here over the last couple of months. All of which were done for reasons only to cause trouble or keep a name in the spotlight (undeservedly so)"

You fucking idiot...did you forget YOU were the one to start smearing "Hey Billy Hammond is going through DUI court procedings" posts, and then you post up links to his (and others)pending Wisconsin cases from their clerks office website?? YOU were the one "trying to cause trouble and keep a name in the spotlight", not some midnight was YOU, jack ass. Stop trying to blame your fuck ups on some midnight troll. Step up and accept and admit what you have done...and stop trying to blame others!

Anonymous said...

Speaking of the Billy Hammond posts, now Larz is talking out of both sides of his mouth on the issue of a public personality’s right to privacy. He deleted a post, which outed Roe Conn as an Obama supporter supposedly because it contained Roe’s address (Roe gave the maximum $2300 to America for Obama in 2007, but nothing to McCain). Larz justified the deletion based on Roe’s home address being posted and that what a personality does off the air, on their own time, is their own business.

Since Roe is obviously aware that law allows for disclosure of an individual’s home address of a campaign contributor and the information is available to anyone elsewhere on the internet, Larz motive behind the deletion was suspect. However, when the fact was brought up that Larz was the original poster regarding Hammond’s DUI, which was off the air, on his own time, Larz said that the Hammond DUI post was NEWS!

Given the emotional charged and political ramifications of the 2008 Presidential election, the fact that a seemingly conservative leaning personality on a conservative talk station would max out his contributions to the Democratic nominee seems like it belongs on a media chat board. Otherwise, why publicize something like Crazy Howard’s appearance on a website where he’ll rant about what went on behind the scenes? None of that happened on the air either.

I did notice that although Larz deleted the post, he didn’t indicate to which party that Roe contributed, which was the point of the post to begin with.

To view the discussion on the censored Roe post go here:

Anonymous said...

Walrus Fetus Bald Prick Head. Don't you wish you could lock this thread like you randomly do sucking your pets cocks?

Tell Paula I said Hi. Your so called wife. Don't be upset mr control freak if you find my slippers under your bed. Someone has to take care of her while you masturbate to your fetish. If i were you I would do a DNA test to determine paternity on your kids.

Again he feels the need to determine what can be said and not said (suck cock?) and then like the savior issues a great message to the masses so they can worship his obsessive compulisve breakouts.

ASSHOLE No need to delete the thread (did you swallow his warm load when you deleted it?) All you have to do is modify the post which you do ALL THE TIME and deleted his address. (was the warm load in your eye or throat?)

Real professional starting to ridicule Billy Hammond accusing him that he is participating. Cocky arrogant asshole bald walrus fetus.

Think someone should notify Paula at the address above this what her husband is up to and putting her and their kids in harms way due to his sickness and compulisve behavior slandering and destroying peoples lives? How important is his sickness as opposed to people ringing his doorbell?

Long live "rhymes with crappo" ;)

Anonymous said...

Why are radio threads locked?

Why is dissenting discussion trampled ???????????????

Anonymous said...

Just read the blog, and I can't believe someone has dragged out all this info! I think I am going to drive by and see if he really has kids and a wife!

I agree, I think that person is right. There are probbaly a lot less people that go there and it is a few people and him that post after themselves.

Anonymous said...


Fuckin Feder exposes the asshole, his real identity. Unfortunately he beat us others to the punch. We were still accumulating info and verifying. We knew that DJRickyB was not him, as someone else was reporting but let it go on so we could fire all barrels at once.

The ASSHOLE thinks he is SO SMART. You read Feder's article he PLAINLY spells out


But on his site HE CHANGED THE WORDS Feder used to try to throw people off. FUCKER. When you copy/paste an article besides citing source you are NOT SUPPOSED to change the text to your liking.

So here is the REAL Scoop.

Big ASS Real Estate agent, no wonder he is online constantly, he is essentially unemployed in this economy. Licensed in IL & Texas (who would have known, his mentioning Texas was the truth). Long time Lake County resident. Gurnee it is folks!

Dickhead that picture is a little old isn't it? Enjoy it folks until he pulls it down to hide his identity.

Nice web site. Make sure to mention that Mappo's blog sent you to find a new home when you go visit him in person or call him. Wait, you can go trick or treating down his block!

Larry S Horwitz
33892 Summerfields Dr
Gurnee, IL 60031


785 Darnell LN
Gurnee, IL 60031

DOB APR 1962

Please copy & paste the 2 links below and visit them to compare the information. This information establishes a connection between the above site and above person and CRM. Stupid fuck associated CRM with his work site, and compromising his identity.

Compare the DNS Records, Tracerout both resolve to the SAME IP. BOTH domain names resolve to the SAME IP. To the not so technically savvy folk, both names point to the same person. BOOM, Cold busted motha fucka!

The truth is, instead of being a cockfuck, he could have been an outstanding person, but you lie, you harass and you defame people, you pay the price. For every person you hurt, your games have caught up. Enjoy assdrip.

Anonymous said...

To be fair, here is the address of the ass-clown who has posted up most of the messages above:

7945 Oakleaf
Elmwood Park, IL 60707

Knock on his door at night, ask for "Teddy Ruxpin" and tell him you want to order a roast beef sandwich.

Unknown said...

To the last poster.

You ever real my address again without my permission you will be sued.

Larry don't mess with me because that's not my postings and just for that I will be look into your site to getting shutdown.

Mappo please email me so I can get the Ip's of the antonymous poster revealing my address.