Wednesday, November 21, 2007

If your post pisses Larz off, he will delete it

Every once in a while, Larz puts down his guard and lets his true, power-hungry self shine through. Recently, someone had the audacity to wonder whether Q101 would switch formats....a topic that apparently Larz would like to see forbidden from his site. Interestingly, Larz, in commenting on the original post had this to say:

"If it "pissed me off", I would have just deleted it."

And there you have it folks. Larz criterion for censorship is simply whether or not a post "pisses him off." Truly the home of "open" discussion on Chicagoland radio, media, and more. What an absolute joke.


Anonymous said...

"If your post pisses Larz Off He Will Delete it".

Yeah. It's his message board. What's your point?

You prove time & time again why he would delete your posts with everything you write here.

I check this site every now & then to see if you grew balls and publicly apolized for your behavior. I'm optimistic it will happen in 2008 so I'll check back next year.

Mappo said...

My point is that Larz, in the past, has had the gall to call his message board the home of "open" discussion on chicagoland radio and media.

It's hardly "open" if one cannot discuss their dislike of Steve Dahl, 9FM, a Q101 format change, or whatever topic du jour that Larz has deemed unmentionable because it "pisses him off."