Monday, November 5, 2007

The TRUE history of

This is a repost from the old blabbin cabin board. But it is a worthwhile read for those of you who do not know the history of Larz and his board and are looking to get up to speed.

1. A couple of years back, ja-ja ran a board called Crow_On. Crow_On was the main source of Chicagoland radio and media news on the internet (although there were others). Larz was a poster on that board. One day, about 2 years ago, ja-ja announced that she was going to take some time off from her board. She did NOT announce that the board would be permanently closed. She put the time period at about a couple of months, although was vague as to the exact timing. She made a general announcement on the board to see if anyone wanted to start up an alternative board in her absence.

2. Some dude (or girl?) named Adrian took up the offer and made an announcement of the same. The board he or she created was basically identical to the old Crow_on format. Ja-ja, despite her request for help, then made an announcement that she "felt raped" by this new board. Larz jumped all over this new guy as well, stating how "disrespectful" he had been, and contrasting it to himself. He really ripped into this Adrian and fawned all over ja-ja.

3. Larz then made an announcement that HE had been talking with ja-ja about establishing his own board in her absence. He again attacked Adrian and went ahead and opened his board. He stated that when ja-ja would return, he would close his board (he was just basically "filling in). Amusingly, despite his criticisms of Adrian for using an identical copy of crow_on, Larz' own board was essentially the exact same thing as crow_on, albeit with a different color scheme.

4. Adrian, a few days after Larz started his board, closed his/her board apparently deciding it wasn't worth the trouble.

5. People on ja-ja's board (including myself) attacked her for the "rape" comment, finding it highly inappropriate for the situation. She soon thereafter made a full apology, both for her comment and towards the manner in which she had attacked Adrian. Larz, on the other hand, declined to apologize.

6. Without explanation, ja-ja restarted the board a few weeks after shutting it down, much earlier than she had initially anticipated.

7. Larz, despite his promise to shut the board down upon ja-ja's return, now hemmed and hawed about shutting his own board down. He decided to put the decision up to a vote on his own site. It was obvious he wanted to continue running this site, and that that was likely his plan from the get-go. After all, ja-ja had returned to her site just a few weeks after shutting it down, and Larz ALREADY had decided to go against his original pledge.

8. Larz further claimed (rather ridiculously) that the audience and topics of his board would be largely distinct from that of ja-ja's board. This despite the fact that ja-ja had JUST shut her board down and had referred people to Larz's board. The only really notable difference between this board and ja-ja's board was that Larz would post "Music News Saturday." He would post like 10 music stories, most of which went uncommented upon. Otherwise, the topics were all radio-related.

9. Ja-ja, to her credit, stated she didn't mind Larz keeping his new site.

10. For at least the first year, there really was only 4 regular posters on Larz board: Larz himself (who probably posted at least 3/4 of the stories), ZooCow (who would duplicate his posts at crow_on and here), MegaHurtz, and myself (who was asking Larz to apologize or at least own up to his betrayal of his initial pledge).

11. As time went on, Larz would make little potshots at Crow_on. These would mostly take the form of "Unlike OTHER message boards......" with "other message boards" being a clear euphamism for crow_on.

12. I have no direct knowledge of what led Ja-ja to eventually tire of Larz. I can only speculate that it may have something to do with Larz' unprovoked potshots at crow_on. I did inform ja-ja on several occasions of Larz' behavior which is what leads me to my speculation.

13. Ultimately, apparently ja-ja and Larz came to a mutual agreement not to speak of each other or each other's boards. Larz (once again) broke his pledge multiple times, allowing many negative comments directed at crow_on.

14. Larz now claims that he felt Crow_On was "too negative" and that was the reason he started his new board. In actuality, this may very well be what he felt, but it stands in direct contradiction to how he presented himself to ja-ja when he started the board as well as the history of what actually happened.



Anonymous said...


Mappo said...

So, Larz continues to lie about the origins of his board. He is the type that won't own up to the duplicitous methods he used in getting his board started.

If you don't care about such blatant and continual dishonesty, then this blog isn't for you, and I would encourage you to go play with Larz on his board.

Unknown said...

Whhaaaaa... Dont like it dont go to Larz board!


Anonymous said...

Shocking. Earth-shattering. Unbelievable. Life-altering. Mind blowing.


Anonymous said...

Is this stuff referring to Larry Horwitz?