Monday, November 5, 2007

A challenge to Larz (or anyone else)

Larz is now implying on his board that he is going to sue me, Google, and Blogspot for libel and defamation of character.

One little problem. In order for something to be libelous/defamatory, it has to be FALSE.

So here's the challenge, Larz (or any of his cronies): where is the statements of fact within my blog posts which are false? Where? I've had other people on the old Blabbin Cabin board say that my recollection of events is identical to theirs. So tell me. Where are the lies?

Another problem: Larz is anonymous. Larz isn't his real name. Ergo, EVEN IF MY STATEMENTS WERE FALSE (which they aren't) and are not per se defamatory, he would have NO DAMAGES TO RECOVER.

I hope whoever the retard who is giving him legal advice is doing it pro bono.

Edit: Typical Larz. Some moron on his site (probably Larz' lawyer) is making some absurd claim that since Jon Stewart isn't the real name of the actual person and that Jon Stewart could still sue you, that that means Larz can sue. Obviously, this is completely absurd, as a stage name used by an easily identifiable person is completely different than a random name chosen by an anonymous person on the internet. I pointed this out as did some other person. Of course, Larz deletes both my post and the other person's leaving the impression that "Legal Eagle" was making some sort of profound and valid point.


Anonymous said...

Dude. Seriously. Not to be inappropriate, but arguing with someone online is like winning the special olympics. Even if you win, you're still retarded.

Get a wife/husband, have a kid, get some regular sex, and find out what life is really about. Here's a ain't about spending your waking hours trying to antagonize a bunch of people on an Internet message board.

Just saying...

Anonymous said...

Yawn....CRM isn't perfectly moderated (what message board is?), and I actually agree with some of your points. But why is this such a deep and personal online vendetta for you? You've never given a remotely adequate explanation for that.

Mappo said...

1.Anonymous #1:My goal is not to antagonize a bunch of people or even, believe it or not, Larz specifically. My goal is to get Larz to fess up to the how and the why he began his message board to begin with.

2. Anonymous #2: Again, my main objection to Larz is NOT how he moderates his message board. I think his moderation style and the favoritism he displays IS telling, in terms of the kind of person he is. However, if he were to apologize to Adrian and come clean about the manner in which he started his message board, I could care less how he moderates it. In fact, the day he does those two things, is the day I take this blog down and he never hears from me again. But as I've said before, he is too stubborn and stupid to do that.

Why is the vendetta personal? Well, I've always been one to root for the underdog. I also just have a thing against hypocrisy. When I saw Larz treat this Adrian character like shit for being "disrespectful" when Larz HIMSELF had disrespectful ambitions all along, it really struck a nerve. When ja-ja had the decency to apologize to Adrian, but Larz refused....I knew in that moment what kind of guy Larz was. And the rest, as they say, is history.

Anonymous said...

So what, you're actually Adrian??

Seriously, let it go.

Anonymous said...

This sounds like something George Castanza would do.

No offense - but get a life and let it go dude.

Mappo said...

Anonymous #4: Nope. I am not Adrian.

Anonymous said...

If you're not Adrian, that only makes the whole thing more asinine. If you admitted you were “Adrian,” at least your motivations would make sense.

Anonymous said...

I'm starting a new blog called "Grudgewatch". It'll be about the petty gripes and grievances of people who have lots of time on their hands.

Mappo said...

So if you see a black person being picked on because he is black, you don't care because hey, you're not're not even black?

I'm not Adrian, but I saw him or her getting shat on by Larz when Larz was the one who wanted to ACTUALLY take advantage of ja-ja's situation. Ja-ja eventually apologized, but Larz didn't.

Although I'm not Adrian, I see this as total dickheadery on Larz's part, and I'm more than happy to stand up to him.