Monday, November 5, 2007

Welcome to Larzwatch!

Hello all!!! This is Mappo. I have created this blog to periodically update you on Larz, webmaster of the website Larz, as many of you know, is a dishonest phony. He claims to be loathe to deleting posts and to be home to "open" discussion on chicagoland media. Those of us who have been watching his site for some time know otherwise. In short, Larz uses his website to protect those that he sees as powerful.

Anyway, check back here regularly for updates on the neverending hypocrisy of Larz!


human being said...

Hello Mappo.

Saw your post on CRM. Your internet stalking of Larz is very sick.

He has a message board. It's his. He can do whatever he wants with it. Just like you have this blog. Difference is he isn't out to get one person. You are. My posts at CRM have never been deleted because I follow his rules. It it is his board, his rules.

You are the hypocrite (especially if you delete this post!). If you don't like his board then don't frequent it. But starting up a blog with the specific intent to tarnish the reputation of the operator of another board shows your immaturity. There are bigger problems in the world than your immature posts being deleted. Get a grip on reality.

I will check back here regularly to read your updates because I know a few attorney's who may be interested in using your blog as an example of how internet stalking has become a serious issue and making sure the law punishes those stalkers. If I'm not mistaken libel & slander applies to any print media, including the internet.

(I anticipate an immature insulting reply to my comment since those are the kind of posts Larz deleted from you on his message board)

Mappo said...

Human being.

I am not stalking Larz. I am merely setting the record straight against the lies he has continued to tell about how his website came to be.

And one of the conditions of libel and slander is that the accusations be false, I am not particularly frightened of your threats. Plus, Larz is ANONYMOUS. Larz is his pseudonym. What damages has he incurred to his reputation as an anonymous webmaster?

Anonymous said...

Hey dude,

Couldn't find an email address, so feel free to delete this after you read.

I'll refrain from offering my comments on your new site and keep this strictly business, LOL.

If you want to make / go to this web site, it's cheap to do... I can hook it up for only $15 per year. Would look much better, be easier to remember etc.

Just goto for the scoop.
